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So we're out!


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Lots of scare mongering in the news and a drop in the markets.


Are you still glad we're out?


I can't believe how badly the bookies got it wrong! At 10 pm, betting £1 on us staying would pay £1.13 if you were right. Betting £1 on leaving would pay £12 if your right.


Very rarely do they get it this wrong!



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I'm glad we are out too, bit tense yesterday what with the pound being worth the same value as a pebble, godzilla, the aliens and the nuclear bombs going off but all good with the world today.


Pissed off with the remain sides abusive rants though, even more so on face book with people you thought were friends now being rude and offensive etc..i'm having to keep quiet and stay off ti mroe than i normally do so i don't totally lose it with most of these remain idiots going on with themselves, so bitter the sore losers its sad.


So far we have Scotland throwing their dummy out, London throwing its dummy out along with the luvvies celebs and the media, oh and the remain side signing a petition to redo the vote because they lost....best of 3 it seems...pathetic tbh.


Must also add if i hear one more idiot telling me that the older generation have destroyed it for the younger i'm going to go nuts...Turns out the 75% figure is a myth IMHO, a yougov poll was taken after voting of just over 1600 voters, out of that 1600 were some young people (18-24), out of which 75% voted remain......Doesn't exactly account for the younger generation does it...besides which lets be honest the younger generation and certainly those in Uni have no real clue on the world as most have never really lived it in etc.



Glad we are out but the remain side should grow the fook up and move on, the faster the better.

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I said I was undecided at the start and I still am.  I guess only time will tell whether it was the right or wrong decision.  I thought the reason to join the EU in the first place was to be part of a common market.  Then the politicians decided to take it further and started further integration of all the states involved so it looked like we were losing our identity, so I am glad that we have decided to leave BUT after 40 odd years of integration its going to be a massive job unravelling everything and I think we are going to have an awful lot of pain on the way out.

As regards Scotland how many bites of the cherry does that poisoned dwarf want.  They had the choice 2 years ago and decided to stay.  Does she want to keep having referendums till she gets the vote she wants?

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Cameron was ill advised, he no doubt had all his so called experts/spin doctors weighing up a referendum outcome and I'm pretty sure like the bookies they thought it was a walk in the park. These same people who told us the end was nigh if we left the EU, Cromwell would have fookin beheaded the lot.

The one thing he forgot was the majority of working class people of middle England and Wales were totally fooked off with it all. There was 2 issues the working class folk were p!ssed of with was, immigration and the flood gates been left open and tax payers money been spent elsewhere on failing countries while our services slowly go into meltdown.

If Cameron would have took these 2 issues seriously he would have grown a pair of balls, gone to the EU , got a deal and he would still be in power but with a non elected EU bigwig crew this was never gonna happen or told them we would leave.

As for Scotland ? you lot follow Sturgeon, she will take you into the dark "William Wallace" age. She's looking further than the end of her nose. It will only take a referendum elsewhere in the EU France or Germany and the shit will hit the fan cause the people there are just as p!ssed off as the UK and now they can see change can be made. So Scotland vote out the UK rejoin the EU, EU fails, Scotland want back into the UK , , ffs get real. And I bet a pound to a pinch of shit Turkey will now be fast tracked to help with the missing coffers.


And now for the best one , they are now having a go at Farage on the tv for misleading the people with a quote of the leave campaign , "The 350million EU money will be spent on the NHS". Lets see, now he's not an MP , he's not a PM , he wasn't even a member of the leave campaign, he was no more than a voice but they interviewed him and asked him about our spending as though he was the PM. The biggest problem is , the Tories are made up mainly of MP's in favor of the EU. They will do everything within their party not to fulfil the leave campaign promises. They do not need to limit immigration as we have not voted for that.

tits up I say

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I actually ended up voting to stay. No particular reason other than I just could not believe either side's claims with any real conviction.


Throughout the whole process I've tried to discount what I believed to be bull or fear-inducing and hopped over the fence and back again a few times as there was merit to parts of both arguments.

In the end what swayed the argument for me was the BBC debate on Tuesday. The Remain side just simply came over with a better sounding case with summaries of facts & figures and was just more professionally presented.

Personality should not have entered the issue but it did for me as I just cannot stand Boris Johnson. I accept he's an intelligent guy but I cannot listen to the babbling and indirectness and deflection  of his answers. The other 2 on the Leave side came across as robotic, with a script to stick to and no other input to the process. If Boris does actually become Troy leader at some point, even if not straight away, I just wouldn't want him speaking for me. I just cannot see other world leaders taking him seriously.


There was no doubt that the economic reaction on Friday morning was going happen - that's what happens with any major international issue. They'll be a change in the markets when the US elects a new president. It's just the way things go. As it is, the traders/bankers/investors of the world gamble daily on such things and no doubt a lot of money was lost - but a lot more will be made in the near future when the markets recover, which they will after the knee-jerking has subsided.


People have to remember that we're not out of the EU, AT ALL, yet. No shutters have come down. No sovereignty regained. No laws repealed. Nothing is likely to change for a couple of years. Immigration will continue as it was - I personally think that immigration numbers will INCREASE over the next couple of years as migrants will try and get in before the doors close, and the number of dual-nationality applications will rocket.

I found thisBBC article quite good on Friday morning. I have to wonder if this kind of guide had been written before the vote, and the roadmap to leave spelled out more forcefully, whether some Leave voters could have been turned.


In the end though, I'm glad the decision has been made. We're out. There should be no going back, no new vote, no harping.

The politics of it all for many years to come will be "Well, we told you so" , "We warned you this would happen', "Told you it was a good thing" from both sides will be standard rhetoric, all of which is why politics turns load of people off.

Get on with things as quickly as possible using people who good leaders, are skilled negotiators who will not take compromise lightly and have only the UK interests as priority.

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Ach well as I said before the vote, it's simply gives us a mandate to Bugger off from Westminster. We overwhelmingly voted to stay so I'm sure you all agree democracy must be maintained. :)



sent from my phone



Yea, you voted to stay in the UK, who in turn voted to leave the EU. Welcome to democracy [emoji106]


No moaning plz [emoji8]

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No moaning here mate simply laughing. The point is many voted to remain in the UK BECAUSE they where told it would mean leaving the EU if we didn't remember...project fear was alive and well. It was only a matter of time before Indy ref 2 anyway, this just spurred it on a bit.

I take it you won't be voting for reunification then? Lol


It's the perfect outcome for mine and many others point of view and the more "yous jocks" type shit we get is only strengthening the numbers [emoji6]


sent from my phone

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No moaning here mate simply laughing. The point is many voted to remain in the UK BECAUSE they where told it would mean leaving the EU if we didn't remember...project fear was alive and well. It was only a matter of time before Indy ref 2 anyway, this just spurred it on a bit.

I take it you won't be voting for reunification then? Lol


It's the perfect outcome for mine and many others point of view and the more "yous jocks" type shit we get is only strengthening the numbers [emoji6]


sent from my phone



Good to see you taking positives and looking to the future (albeit through shit tinted glasses lol) and not dwelling on what ifs.


Reunification, yeah had to laugh at that scum sinn fein murderer trying to associate people that were unsure about a brexit with a united ireland. I guess he's realised that it's not even the Republic of Ireland any more it's just another part of Europe lolll.


Unfortunately for him a border poll can't happen (as part of the Good Friday Agreement) unless there's a majority in Northern Ireland that could possibly vote for it... Lol , and that ain't gonna happen when even catholics don't want it.


I've a better idea which is more realistic... Have a poll for the Republic of Ireland to become a part of the UK. Pretty sure a lot down there would like to ditch the EU [emoji23]

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Scotland would have to leave the UK and then reapply for EU membership (Eu have told them this), so its not as if they can just stay if article 50 is activated and they leave the UK. IMHO a second Scot indi ref would only divide the UK more than it already is and segregate Scotland more tbh.

I think if Scotland want to leave the UK then thats up to them and i'll respect any result.... but to leave because a UK wide result didn't turn out to be what they wanted is simply dummy spitting and basically says fuck you to the rest of the UK, even more so if they feel leaving the UK would enable them to stay in the EU, it wont and again Scotland would have to reapply to become an EU member, so IMHO leaving atm woudl be daft. The UK could well go on to be a great force to be reckoned with in the world and EU so Scotland would be wise to wait and see what happens before they go "threatening" a 2nd indi ref.


Also more news on the 18-24 year old being "robbed".....that famous poll that quotes 75% of 18-24 wanted to stay in....well turns out it was a poll of only 1652 people taken between 17-19th of june 2016 and the 1652 surveyed coverd all age classes....oh and also turns out of the ose aged 18-24 eligible to vote only 36% actually did vote...so they may have been robbed but they were robbed by the 64% that didn't vote.


Funny how the scaremogering still continues, and dont even get me started on the second ref petition.

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I must have missed the bit where it said this referendum was the end of democracy. No more votes no more voices of discontent and no more referendums !! Scotland and to an extent Wales due to devolution have the explicit right to take many decisions on their own. One of these is to hold votes, polls and referendum to find out just how the populace "feel" about certain things at certain time. Now you may well call it naive of Scottish voters to not have one eye on this EU Referendum when they cast their vote last year....I call them naive too. But there you have it. just before the Scottish vote last year Scottish voters were told "Want to stay in the EU ? Then Vote NO to independence"

They were warned by us yes voters that England really "could" vote en mass to leave the EU.....But it fell on deaf ears. Now Those very same very vocal NO voters are furious. They feel that the goal posts have moved. They feel let down...I mean really properly shocked (Im not as I spend a lot of time in the south east kent each year and could see this coming). So Sturgeon as was laid down after indi ref defeat stated that the will of the people will be adhered to...No more referendums on independence unless there is a material change in circumstances and feeling of the people of Scotland. I will say this - Call Sturgeon all the names and expletives that you want but she IS a very good politician. She will ONLY officially call a referendum if she feels she is an absolute certainty to win it hands down. Some very loud NO camp voices are now declaring full support "whatever it takes" to get a second indi ref within 18 months.....Personally I would rather wait and see what Europe actually offers/demands of both UK and Scotland ....being a bit of a selfish jock an all that lol.

Im not particularly "happy" that it's a here we bloody go again time. I will need to be convinced again that indi will be long term good for Scotland...I was a yes voter last time but not in a solely ideological way. I am no life long home rule man...but I can see it's merits last time round.


It could be said to those in England that are shocked/fed up that the Jocks seem to be kicking off again that just like those Scottish who voted NO based on EU membership last year the English brexiters who actually give a dam about the union also haven't listened.


Last last last point - Oil will eventually go back up in price just as sure as night follows day so as was always the case we will all have lean times as well as good times.

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I must have missed the bit where it said this referendum was the end of democracy. No more votes no more voices of discontent and no more referendums !! Scotland and to an extent Wales due to devolution have the explicit right to take many decisions on their own. One of these is to hold votes, polls and referendum to find out just how the populace "feel" about certain things at certain time.


I must have missed that bit too as i never said that.....i said that for Scotland to hold an indi ref right now based on a knee jerk reaction to not liking the fact the rest of the UK population chose to leave the EU would be silly. Even more so given they too still have to leave the EU then reapply, its not as if Scotland voting to leave the UK right now will keep them being a part of the EU, whatever happens the UK voted to leave the EU and that includes Scotland. I'm not shocked or fed up that Scotland may have another vote but i am fed up of it being dragged up all the time, even more so when its dragged up during and just after an important ref like Brexit and used as some sort of leverage.

Lets face it, its going to take years to sort out the fallout of brexit, even if Scotland voted for indi tomorrow morning then that too is going to take years on top of the EU stuff at which point Scotland would have to reapply for EU membership as an independent Scotland... which could in itself take even more fooking years.


Don't get me wrong i welcome a second vote for Scotland and its independence......And if further down the line Scotland want another indi vote then so be it, again i'll happily respect the vote but until this Brexit is underway and the UK AND the EU knows where their going etc etc i think any vote from Scotland will be ill advised and silly.

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wee jimmy crankie is the only politico in the country with any kind of idea what is going on.

westminster spin doctors are back flipping like a gymnast on speed and no one has a clue what to do next, its a total clusterfuck.


as i see it most of the rage in the social/media is coming from the leave voters because its slowly dawning that most of the things they where told arent going to happen, even daily fail readers are having a melt down about what they where told.

the country took a massive leap to the right then shat itself with the outcome.


my crystal ball is saying there wont be a brexit.

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as i see it most of the rage in the social/media is coming from the leave voters because its slowly dawning that most of the things they where told arent going to happen, even daily fail readers are having a melt down about what they where told.

the country took a massive leap to the right then shat itself with the outcome.


So what we're they voting for and what did they possibly expect? We all had access to the same 'facts', 'figures', 'projections' and 'forecasts'. We all made our minds up and we, as a nation, decided we wanted out. If people could not work out for themselves what was lies and what wasn't then they only have themselves to blame.


As is stands today, we do not have a United Kingdom, we don't have leadership and we don't have an opposition party. The economy is on a downturn and things are not looking at all pleasant. A monumental decision like this does take a good while to sink in. Unfortunately, as a population we cannot do anything about the situation now. It is solely in the hands of politicians - many of whom probably didn't really believe we could do it and therefore don't have the immediate answers that the populous now needs on how we're moving forward.


In a few months we'll all be scratching our heads wondering what all the fuss was about.

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as i see it most of the rage in the social/media is coming from the leave voters because its slowly dawning that most of the things they where told arent going to happen, even daily fail readers are having a melt down about what they where told.

the country took a massive leap to the right then shat itself with the outcome.


my crystal ball is saying there wont be a brexit.



Most rage i see is coming from those who wanted to stay, i know why i voted leave and was not expectng anything to happen for years so i'm not shocked in any way.


As for not there not being a brexit?? well its beyond that now, even without submittign article 50 the UK within the EU is untenable now IMHO, we made it clear we were leaving so if it doesn't happen because MP's block it etc then regardless of what way you voted you should be disgusted that we live in a dictatorship. All this its not legal, MP's should block it etc etc....all that is from the remain side being fucking bad losers. This is the UK not N.Korea, the vote should stand and articale 50 should be triggered as soon as so we can move ona nd get on with it.

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