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What's your most disappointing movie so far this year?


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As title says. Doesn't have to be a terrible movie, just one you were hyped to see but felt the most let down by.


For me i would say Jason Bourne was my biggest let down. I checked our local cinema every day for a week to see premium directors lounge seats listed. I made a real night of going as well, finished work early, nice meal beforehand. I was such a fan of the first three that i was expecting to love this one. I even thought legacy was ok.

What i felt they delivered was a movie that was written after the action scenes had been decided. Just absolute crap and after an hour i wanted to walk out but stuck it until the end. 


Worth a mention is Batman v Superman although i kind of expected it to be crap as most films with Ben Afleck are. Also ghostbusters which was worse than expected.

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I totally agree with Jason Borne waste of a talented actor Matt Damon but with only a trilogy written about Bourne by Robert Ludlum i think we was asking a bit much for someone to match is writing skills. So what we ended up with a shower of shite IMO. And as for the rest of the years offerings there's not to much to write home about unless you like Roald Dahl BFG which was cute and the kids enjoyed. Looking forward i can only see one that stands out for my tastes and that's Hacksaw Ridge directed by Mel Gibson based on the true story of WWII American Army Medic Desmond T. Doss a Conscientious Objector awarded the Medal of Honor. I know watching trailers doesn't necessarily guarantee a good movie but it gives me hope.  



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Yeah was Bourne for me too....I think the expectation of the film in my head ruined it for me, was far better version in my mind lol...i did the same with jurassic park back in the 90's. lol


Wasn't mega keen on BvS or Squad to start so even though IMHO they were shit i sort fo knew they were shit before i watched them so the disappointment wasn't as harsh.

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Suicide Squad , starts off not looking too bad but as soon as the baddie appeared I thought , here we fookin well go ! one load of bollux on it's way and turned it off but if you want the biggest load of tripe "Locke". Jesus to fookin night, that was bad. How IMDb can give 7.1 is beyond me. The whole movie never leaves the car

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terminator genisys was a bit of a let down, but the new generation loved it , i guess i am stuck loving the 1992 classic terminator 2 judgement day. I just cant seem to assimilate to all these new movies which are pure cgi, it detracts from the fun :(


good thread btw people, keep up the good work :)


Slim :D

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I cant remember seeing one great film this year, been disappointed with them all!


Even 10 Cloverfield Lane? My highlight so far




I thought it was well crafted as regards the inter-personal relationships in the bunker...but left not much else as in the aliens....rushed it through the last few mins of the film :(

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i endured watched the ab fab film over the wekend. nothing more needs to be said on that one.


If you watched it with a woman on the promise of a shag or bj after the end credits then that's forgivable. If watched it on your own then you should just log out and never come back :) You can't even count that as a chick flick, more an old granny flick.

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