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Wots Ya Job?


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in days of old this has been asked before but seeing this a new forum lets hear from you guys and gals on what ya do for a living. Dont give to much info away if ya dont want for security reasons etc and if your a drug dealer or a gang banger ::P then please refrain from posting because we have a couple of coppers on here ya know!!!!! 


ps if this gets more than 60 reply's then i will post my occupation (dont get to excited though its nothing special or is it!!!!)

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Wow...mine sounds boring to the rest of you


I work for a factitlities maintenance company that do work for Royal Mail


Main rolls are to look after their street furniture and Mail delivery equipment on the front line


In reality...not much but want to do more!!


I have done L3 in carpentry and L3 in electrics doing evening courses but nothing has come of it yet...but always hoping!!

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Wow...mine sounds boring to the rest of you


I work for a factitlities maintenance company that do work for Royal Mail


Main rolls are to look after their street furniture and Mail delivery equipment on the front line


In reality...not much but want to do more!!


I have done L3 in carpentry and L3 in electrics doing evening courses but nothing has come of it yet...but always hoping!!


ROMEC! I work for RM, you are gods among men.

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