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Musical instruments


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Always fancied learning to play the piano myself but never really got round to it. Love listening to a piano through the stereo, Canon in D is great. I'm able to play the odd thing like chopsticks and Beverly hills cop but nothing proper.


Does anyone play any instrument(s)? if so what?






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Used to play guitar and can dabble a little on keyboards. Used to pass some time with midi keyboard and cakewalk software but don't get chance these days. Used to play classical guitar as a kid but gave up since it didn't look cool at the time. Wish I'd carried on, since I got into electric guitar at 18 but couldn't seem to absorb the learning anymore. Mind you, when you are trying jonny be good on your first lesson, it kind of blows your mind when you can't do it.

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Fancied taking up the acoustic guitar. Misses bought me one about a year ago - I have so far managed to watch some youtube videos. Tried to follow just the very basics on said youtube videos and finally decided about 6 months ago that my fingers are too feckin short. I am getting my head around trying again....keyboard/piano is another thing I have always fancied. Im fickle though so im not holding out much hope for myself at this point in time lol.

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Fancied taking up the acoustic guitar. Misses bought me one about a year ago  - I have so far managed to watch some youtube videos. Tried to follow just the very basics on said youtube videos and finally decided about 6 months ago that my fingers are too feckin short.  I am getting my head around trying again....keyboard/piano is another thing I have always fancied. Im fickle though so im not holding out much hope for myself at this point in time lol.


Get yourself Cakewalk or something similar with the keyboard. Dead easy to lay track down. For drums you lay a couple of bass beats down and then copy paste. Same with hi-hat / symbols etc. Then get bass track down, again, lots of copying and pasting, especially if you just use 12 bar blues and then mess around with the melody. Once you have that, put some strings over the top or whatever, and it's pretty amazing what you can knock out in a few hours.

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Drums, keyboard, double bass, guitars, etc..


Never managed to work bows out though, so anything with a bow I have to pluck.


I think my hearing advanced due to my dyslexia. So I can hear a song for the first time, and sort of play it back in my head, with a lot of detail to the different instruments.


Anything you guys do visually I tend to do orally, Ie spelling etc. Its all sounds to me, I can barely remember what anything looks like when I close my eyes, so im hopeless at drawing etc, but if someone phones me up and I haven't heard there voice in 20 years I know who it is.



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