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Worst flu ever.


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We've all had the flu at some point but the one I've got now is the worst I've ever had.

Woke up at 5am on Sunday coughing my guts up, no chance of getting back to sleep. By 10am I had sore legs and arms and a migraine with all the coughing. Hardly slept a wink since and the sweat is pouring out me constantly. Can't eat a bloody thing so had to force feed myself some soup then spewed up soon after with all the coughing. Been taking flu tablets but all they seen to do is make my sweat even more. Drinking water and fruit juice like my life depends on it (it probably does).

And to top it all off, I took this week off on holiday.


Anyone any advice on what else I can do to make this less hellish


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Sleep, sleep and more sleep. All that works for me. I tend to get the flu when i'm feeling burnt out and have some time off work. Christmas normally, had it 4 out of 5 years and not a day sick in between. I just stay in bed now and normally feel better after a couple of days.

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If you drink water without food you won't have enough salt.


Not enough salt, and your sweat pores are too open and your sweat loads. Too much salt and you don't sweat enough.


Go get a stick of celery or tomatoes, cover it with salt and your sweat less.



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Managed to get about an hour n a half sleep between coughing fits last night and having a yogurt with some smoke in it seemed to cure the sweating for now. I'm now suffering the effects of way to much fruit juice yesterday tho. :(


Still feel like shit, hope this doesn't last the whole week


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Get on the echinacea and vit C slow release tablets right now. It will boost your immune system and your recovery time will half, guaranteed. Also take Paracetamol they will lower your body core temp and Ibuprofen will bring down any inflammation in the chest, also drink plenty of water and rest.


Combine the above and you will see a vast improvement in a matter of days. Nout worse than flu, especially if your a man , women just don't understand what we go through !! :)

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Hope you feel better soon. Small comfort, but if you are employed and took the week off you are entitled to claim the holiday back.



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Ye I know mate, I'll have a word when I get back...shouldn't be a problem.


Tried beroca the other day, no doing that again, Fekkin stuff kept me awake


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I know mate...I take them now and again in with, but there is no morning when your grabbing hour long sleeps lol


Went got the stuff goldy suggested, walk back from the chemist want pretty.

I'll let yous know if I'm still breathing in the morning


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I had this over Xmas.

When you say you have the man flu, this was nothing like it, was running temps and chest was bad. Docs told me 3 weeks as the strain going about was bad.


Took about 3 weeks for my chest to get back to norm(ish)


Managed to watch lots of screeners in bed over a 4 day spell, Helped


Controlling the temp, with a cold flannel did wonders and helped headache I had, probably from the temp. Regular paracetomal too.

Someone on hand to give you TLC


Hope you feel better soon

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I know there's a difference between flu and the common cold but it works for me. I use to be plagued with colds, kids bringing them home from school, getting older etc.... . I started taking them with a couple of other vits and touch wood I rarely get a cold.




"Echinacea may reduce the duration of illness and decreases the severity of cough, headache, and nasal congestion

Professor Ron Cutler of the University of East London."

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Well I lost the ability to breathe so had to go to the docs. She gave me antibiotics and a massive pile of steroids (take 8 at a time) and they seem to be helping.

Still got all the other symptoms so not much of a change here.


Fuckin bored out my nut sitting here all week



But on a plus note......it looks like I've stopped smoking


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