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Should e-cigs be banned from public places


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I smoke and think they should be banned in public places.

I get they are probably "safer" than cigs but lets be honest no one really knows for sure how safe they really are and in the same breathe (no pun intended) i don't want to be inhaling second hand vapour from some fugly scrote smoking their e-cig on the bus/tube/train etc, some of them smell awful and its usually arrogant fooks who smoke them in public with the "i'm allowed and entitled" attitudes.





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I say they should follow the same laws as cigarettes. Last week i got my first vaping mod and i could barely see my keyboard i was vaping so much. Five people in a pub vaping and it's just gonna resemble a 70's disco.

I've been vaping ecigs for a few years now and have always treated them like cigs and not used them in bars, restaurants or cinema and so on. Pisses me off when dickheads who don't smoke try and lecture me that it's the same as smoking cause it's not. I'm just respectful and choose not to make a big point of using them in public places out of respect for other people.

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when i say public places,I also mean in front of pubs,shops etc where i have to walk around them to doge their rubbish fumes at the risk of maybe getting hit by a car



Yeah have to agree with stoner, either same as cigs or not at all. You inhale more shite and poisons from car fumes outside than you ever could via a bit of second hand smoke, i get and agree with a ban indoors and confined spaces because as mentioned its rude if nothing more, but to stop people doing it outside?? thats way too far IMHO, can't stop people smoking in the street outside pubs etc, don't like it walk other side of the road ffs.

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Yes I think they should be banned completely, they haven't been tested properly yet. There will come a time when they say they are worse than smoking a cigarette. My brother has an e-cig and is more addicted to that than he ever was with smoking its permanently in his mouth and he has a terrible cough with it . So as far as I am concerned ban them. Sorry if that upsets someone but just my opinion.

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Sorry Vixen but IMHO you are misinformed. They've been testing them for years and have found very little evidence of them being harmful and pretty much everyone agrees that they are less harmful than cigarettes. If there was a any real substance to them being harmful then the tobacco companies would be all over it because it's such a threat to their business. Even the NHS are now prescribing them to help smokers quit. It doesn't take them years to analyse the effects of these substances, if there was damning evidence it would already be out there by now.

I have little doubt that there may be minor risks associated with certain eliquids but one things for sure, these will not destroy your body and give you lung cancer like the alternative. Granted they are not exactly healthy because most people use nicotine liquids and nicotine is a poison but it's not the nicotine in cigarettes that are causing the lung problems that are killing people.

Like a lot of things in the medical world, occasionally you get a big headline about a link to such and such a symptom but these are normally negative stories put out by opposition to the ecig industry or an attempt to get funding for research.

At my worst i was smoking 30 cigarettes a day, i felt like crap and the longer i continued it was a certainty that it would effect my health. Now i don't smoke at all and am currently vaping 6mg liquids which is very low. I'll soon be switching to high VG liquids and will only buy branded products. Not sure how long i'll be vaping for, eventually i'll stop but one thing for sure, i won't be smoking cigarettes again.

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