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Anyone got a 3D printer?


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I had a big birthday last weekend and the family brought me a wanhao duplicator i3 3d-printer.

I was well chuffed.

I started using Mr Google and I now realise I have a steep learning curve ahead of me!


Anyone have a 3D printer?


I'm trying to understand the required software as well as the ins & outs of general 3D printer ownership.

For example, just found out that filament needs to be kept in low humidity. What is the best / good way?


Heeelp!   :D :D


Any pointers appreciated.



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I don't have a 3D printer but you could try using the 3D builder app that windows has (win 7/10, maybe 8 has it)...meant to be an easy process from what i've read so see if thats compat with your hardware etc, should help get you started creating and printing wise.

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There's a list of softwares on their site to choose from http://wanhaousa.com/pages/duplicator-i3-software

Once setup i suggest you download some printable models this place is good but loads more to choose from. https://www.myminifactory.com

I wouldn't mind have one of these myself i'd have a crack at the model below just because it looks awesome and freaky lol. ;)




PS have fun mate i know i would.

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Had mine a year and only built it a couple of months ago. Different version of the i3 - all perspex frame etc.


There's basically 2 lots of software needed. One to draw the model and one to print it. /edit: Boycie already posed link - must read previous posts before typing :)


As for drawing & modelling there's plenty. http://www.3ders.org/3d-printing-basics.html is as good as any place to start. That links out to software you will want to play with.


Best advice?

1) Don't try anything too complex as it is likely to end up looking a pile of crap, so much so you think 3D printing is a waste of time.

2) Have patience.

3) Have more patience.


For me, the fine tuning is the killer. I've only printed a few pieces and none with great precision or cosmetic appeal. I have a play at random intervals - hence why mine still isn't set up properly but I do think the effort you put in is worth the satisfaction. Even printing a simple test has a curiously hypnotic effect.


Best of luck with it all.

I'll chip in if I can think of anything else and there are more experienced guys on here that will guide you through.

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Cheers guys,

I unpacked it today, built it and started playing.

I'd say I have a long way to go.

I installed Repetier and set up the printer settings as suggested on the 3D wiki but had naff results.

I then installed Cura that came with the printer and that seems to have improved things.

GCode (printer code) created with Cura is a lot larger than the same 3D file created with Repetier, so I'm guessing I have to fine tune some settings somewhere.


Thanks for all the pointers to date.

I'll post updates as they happen.



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Well, I seem to be printing nothing but modifications for the printer.

There must be some deep philosophical debate to be had there....


I notice the flat bed seems to go out of adjustment after a few hours of use, but there is a mod for that! (Currently printing)

I've found a very active Facebook group as well as a very useful 3D wiki http://3dprinterwiki.info/wiki/wanhao-duplicator-i3/


I've seen plenty I want to print so while it's printing I'm generating gcode in readiness for the next episode.


I need to get stuck in to some CAD programs so I can start producing my own original designs, other peoples stuff is fine but I've wanted to modify a few items already but haven't a clue.


Onwards and upwards.



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How strong is the stuff it prints? IE could you use the printed (object?) mechanically?


How long does something take to print?


Does it smell?


Does it use a lot of electric?


How much does the stuff you stick in it cost to make say a phone case?



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How strong is the stuff it prints? IE could you use the printed (object?) mechanically? 

It can be as strong as you care to make it. I'm currently using PLA which is fairly strong. I'd guess Other plastics could be stronger.

Changing the slicing to have thicker wall and more internal bracing would improve the strength.


How long does something take to print? 

Slow at the moment. 3-4 hours for a 150mm L shape guide for the filament. I'm reading that you can increase the extrude rate and head speed. But I'm not there yet.  


Does it smell?

PLA doesn't but as it is plastic other types might.


Does it use a lot of electric?

The base and extruder are both heated (plastic dependent) but I'd say not a lot as the areas are reasonably small.


How much does the stuff you stick in it cost to make say a phone case?

1kg of PLA is around £9. So weighing a plastic phone case I'd say not too bad. Though probably still cheaper on eBay. 





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I have a 3d printer, An Anet A8.


I'm fairly new to printing so have only used Cura. it seems to work fine for me so I haven't bothered with any other way. I have only used PLA so far. I haven't had the need to attempt to make my own designs yet as everything that I have wanted has been found on Thingyverse. https://www.thingiverse.com/




How strong is the stuff it prints? IE could you use the printed (object?) mechanically?

can be very strong depending on Infill amount and material used.


How long does something take to print?

Something like a phone case or a cigarette size box could take 4 hours or so, speed vs quality can be adjusted or balanced.


Does it smell?

PLA no, Although I have not used ABS, it smells and the fumes can be toxic.


Does it use a lot of electric?

About the same as a ham radio.


How much does the stuff you stick in it cost to make say a phone case?

I buy dual filament rolls of PLA (Excelvan) for around a tenner delivered (ebay). they last ages. example, 1kg spool could print 392 chess pieces :)


Here's a couple of bits I have made so far:


Geiger counter case.




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