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Selling iPhone question


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Will be selling my trusty iphone shortly, just wanted to ask a question:


Can you sell the phone on places on ebay if it is JAILBROKEN?


I know jailbreaking isn't illegal, is it when selling a phone on a public marketplace like ebay?


Otherwise I was just gonna update it to the latest IOS and thus negating the JB, but surely a Jailbroken iphone opens up so many possibilities than a stock-restricted IOS phone


Anyone know?

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You have to remove iCloud first, then wipe phone.


What phone are you selling?


And it looks like you can sell it on eBay with being jailbroken.


5S, but I'm gonna hang onto it until I've got me new SE unlocked and Jailbroken (the latter might be a while as 9.3.1 JB hasn't been released yet)


If anyone's after an SE, there's a thread up on HUKD on how to get it cheaper using the o2 pay outright workaround.

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I can give you a friends and family code for o2 and get you 30% of a new contract with o2.


Our work phones are on o2, that's why I can get this, but not on a brand new phone when it is released.





No need my friend, already have a plan of action and got £320 worth of referrals coming my way from o2 :D

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Just out of interest, why do you want/need it jb'd. Is it just for the free apps or is there certain apps from cydia you need?


Where do I start... Firstly I would never had bought an iphone unless it could be JB'd, they are way too restrictive.


You can get all sorts of phone customizations, lots of underground apps, amazing "side-chick" controls... and that's just for starters.

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