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Ham radio / CB radio setups


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Finally got back into the hobby after almost 20 years and am really enjoying it.

I thought the bands would be in a lot worse shape but over the past few weeks i have managed to grab 42 countries on various bands from 10m down to 20m. I am using a Cobwebb temporarily sitting in my back yard at 6 feet. Im waiting for a bit of decent weather to get a 20ft pole up the side of the house so i can put the cobwebb on top and attach a 40/80m dipole just below it.

Wifey got me a Yaesu FT847 for chrimbo and thats going to be used for the satellites, data modes and a real serious attempt to talk to Tim on the ISS. Thats a whole nother story cause im just starting to build the antenna system to do that. 


In the meantime, heres a snap of my radio shack. Dont be fooled by all the buttons, most of that stuff dates back to the late 80's early 90's and isnt wired up yet smiley.png 






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  • 3 weeks later...

That's a lot of gear for a 20 year break!


I sold my ft-890 when I split up with the wife years ago, now I only have a few cb's left. can't wait until I move next month when I can get a decent antenna up and work 27.555....


My old setup- from the early 90's, yep car batteries in my bedroom. worked Europe on the 747 and 500w  :)




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Is that the AT-555N I see in your last pic xr4xr?


I nabbed one last year and was super impressed with it. Was able to chat to a few dx'ers on 555, one in Germany and another in Poland, whilst driving home from work in July.


Yes mate, Anytone v6. I have yet to speak to anyone on it lol, bought it a year or two ago and only played with it into a dummy load. great radio though.

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The Anytone rigs get high praise from everyone. Ive never used one myself but i have "heard :) " them on 555 and they do sound class.


My missus was talking about the foundation course so i had a quick look to see what was involved. After a bit of reading and a chat with a few other local hams, it turns out its wee buns. (Norn Iron speak for piece of cake :) )

From the way he described it , most amateur clubs will do a 2 day course consisting of basic common sense and a few technical topics ( almost identical to the actual questions) followed by a 25 question multiple choice test.

You get 17+ and your in. Plus, the hams taking the exam mark it once youve finished so you know there and then. Extremely high pass rate for the foundation exam.

After that , you have access to most of the hf freq on "LOW" power :D

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Thats the best way wally. They will go over and over shit that seems so trivial as well as the stuff thats a little more technical. Dont forget m8, they know whats on the paper that you will get before you do the exam. They want the test to be like a form filling exercise as their remit is to get as much new blood into the hobby as possible.

@ xr4x4 Thats where i had my first setup located , right beside the bed in abt 1979/80. Not a good idea pmsl. A sharp 40 and a dv27 on a sheet of old tin.

On so many occasions i would start waffling at 10 or 11 at night and finish just in time to have a wash , some breakfast and head off to work for 8am lol. Now if i sit up half the night , i just sleep til i waken :D

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Thats the best way wally. They will go over and over shit that seems so trivial as well as the stuff thats a little more technical. Dont forget m8, they know whats on the paper that you will get before you do the exam. They want the test to be like a form filling exercise as their remit is to get as much new blood into the hobby as possible.


Yeah I know...but the fact I have to sit through it all is what's frustrating. Im an ex radio/wireless architect so I already know majority of it. When I explained this to them, they still insisted weeks worth of "lessons".


I still want to do it though ;)

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  • 2 months later...

I keep meaning to do the Foundation, however my local club want to go through the whole thing start to finish...they're an old eccentric bunch! It's probably due to the fact of where they/I am...Bletchley Park


I really need to do it.


You must be very local to me if that's your local club. I was a member there back in 2000 for a short while.


I'm close to landing my hands on a Kenwood/Trio 440s HF so hopefully, when that's sorted I'll be back at the club for my foundation :D

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  • 2 months later...

Don't suppose this can be done with an indoor aerial?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Sure can m8. Antennas come in all shapes and sizes neo. Anything from tiny little loft or balcony antennas to monster bbc type antennas lol.

Wire antennas are easily disguised / hidden and work really well



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