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Making a PDF


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Not ever made one before o.O  I dualk boot using Linux &r Windows10, so either of those platforms.


I assume i scan in the docs and then use Office or such to make the pdf ?

  Its approx 400 pages in size, so any help or tips would be appreciated

I would also like to protect it from edits ect..

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I use adobe acrobat x pro to convert to pdf in windows 7. Funny you should post now, i just had to patch my copy after it went into trial mode and then expired.

It handles loads of different file types but i use mainly to convert my invoices and quotes in word and then email the pdf to customers. It also allows full control over editing with a password that will even prevent them printing the pdf. You set whatever permissions you want.

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As its all schematic diagrams im doing & im wanting to protect them, i dont think Google docs will allow me to do everything i need such as watermakrs ect..

 As for acrobat x pro,  ill see if i can find the "full version" !


I have the full version, it's on an external drive but i have several and don't know which one. If you don't do any good let me know and i'll see if i can find it. Adobe knocked out the activation on mine because i didn't block it in firewall and i think my other half probably hit the update icon when she used my pc. I have the apps to patch and updater tools as well

The latest versions are the acrobat dc and reader dc. I've not bothered with these because i have no need for them.

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Individual pages can be scanned in and printed out as pdf using any virtual pdf printer. Personally I use Bullzip PDF Printer. Win2PDF is also something I've used in the past and that also has options for you to set protection and watermarking etc when 'printing' to the PDF.


I have also used Infix to edit and watemark pdfs. Commercial software but there are cracked versions around for download.


Bear in mind, any/all security applied to your pdf can be undone. You cannot protect a pdf from someone determined to unpick it. You will however possibly deter the casual reader who might want to plagiarise your work.

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