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DSCraft?! What the hell is that you may ask? (you prob already know judging by the title lol)


Yep, we are going to trial a Minecraft server, and the forum side of things, will be powered by the new clubs feature. The club can be found on the following img/link



It will be based on a first come, first served basis. So you join the club, the first ten names that join in chronologic order will be whitelisted on the server so they can join.

For now, it will run in Survival, on Peaceful mode, so you can get a feel for the environment and how the mechanics work. We'll switch it up to easy/normal when you feel or we have something planned other than a sandboxed experience.

Just on a side note, you are free to chat here, or on the club for anything related to DScraft.

See ya in the voxel zone


Minecraft Slim

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