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Forum Downtime


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As you would have noticed the site was down over the last day, the ISP had what I can describe as - SHIT STORM of DDoS traffic....


I have been informed the targeted site has been found and traffic redirected from the firewall level.


Now we can get back to talking nonsense and slim can now continue uploading his vaping vids...



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Incase anyone fancies a read...


At 12:06 PM on the 4th Aug our border routers and external monitoring services alerted us that CLOUD09 was experiencing a large yet manageable inbound DDOS attack, which was consuming 65 Gbit/s


We utilise the latest in Arbor technology to handle any inbound threats / DDOS attacks to our network / platform.


It is important to note that a DDOS attack is not a security risk; this is a malformed network level attack to which is designed to bombard its target server in this case CLOUD09 thus rendering it inaccessible at a network level.


At 12:08 PM after the first initial Arbor mitigation the attack instantly tripled in size, which at 180 Gbit/sec was too large for the Arbor to filter organically.


We immediately contacted Arbor support who were able to create a custom set of rules to try and negate the inbound attack however the attack pattern changed every 5 minutes to which made this type of filtering near impossible.


DDOS attacks are an ever increasing threat across the hosting industry and have been growing in frequency over the past two years.


Many hosting providers do not have filtering platforms in place to stop them, they simply terminate accounts or suspend services to stop the attack.


We feel that allowing a DDOS to win by terminating your service is not acceptable as such we have upgraded and fully migrated the CLOUD09 platform to a larger Arbor service which is now capable of handling up to 500 Gbit/sec


We are one of only a handful of providers in the UK which can now successfully handle attacks of this size.


Full service to the CLOUD09 platform resumed at 9AM this morning with full filtering at 500 Gbit / sec in place.


The inbound attack is still active however is now safely mitigated without any further service interruption.


During the service interruption any inbound e-mail will be safely queued as such this will arrive over the next few hours without any mails being lost.


Moving forward we will be moving all services to our new Arbor platform however for now our core focus has been on service uptime and stability on the CLOUD09 platform only.


Please let me take this opportunity to personally apologise for any inconvenience caused.


We work day and night to ensure that our service is both resilient and has in place measures to handle the unforeseen.


However due to the sheer scale of this inbound attack we, as any other provider, were not able to plan for such a large inbound attack against our service.


We would also like to apologise for the slower than normal support updates, however due to the volume of support received with a service impacting issue like this our whole team have worked hours solidly to ensure that your service can resume with the relevant changes in place to negate further issues.

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