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Hacking/cracking tools,checkers,combo etc poss nsff (not safe for fon)


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To save any chance of these things causing disruption,for anyone interested in these type of things,i have 30-40 gb in cloud storage for most of them.

Provided i at least recognise your nick,you are welcome to take all of them using my own login for easiest access.

What you do with them is your own business, i don't care tbh and most have been checked as much as i can for infections but be sensible.Don't start running things if you don't even know what they do.

These are all exploit related,no reversing tools etc so i'm sure the guys here don't want extensive threads about them.Most don't need much working out.

Post or pm if you want the login deets.


Just to repeat,what you do with them is down to you..as is clicking things you don't understand and getting yourself in a mess.If your unsure,leave it be.If it's named super duper mega,it probably isn't.

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