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Will you bother voting in the EU referendum?


Will you bother voting?   

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you bother voting?

    • I normally vote, and will vote.
    • I DONT normally bother voting, but WILL vote.
    • I DONT normally bother voting, and WONT bother this time.

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Like you i dont normally bother but i want out so will be voting....can't see it making much difference and we will stay in if for no other reason than most will stick with what they know etc and its easier to argue to stay in than it is to get out.


Who knows and we will see i suppose.






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I normally vote but missed the local elections the other week. Deffo voting since I want out. All the drivel the cameron and osbourne are spouting is making me want out even more......world war 3, massive recession, house prices crashing, getting on a million out of work.....yeah right

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I'll be away on holiday but will vote by post. I'm so pissed off with the whole thing, such an important vote should be properly debated but seems Cameron and his buddies just seem intent on leaking exaggerated stories to scare the weak minded masses. This will probably be my last vote of any kind for a long while. I always voted conservative because i thought they represented me but never again they just seem intent on screwing us all over in every way possible. I don't see myself voting for anyone after this vote and i seems pretty certain the vote will be to stay. Seems unbelievable really, i don't know anyone who will be voting to stay.

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i usually vote and ill be voting IN.


See given the Scots wanted independence i'm shocked that most i hear from want to stay in the EU. A key argument from most Scots on their indi vote was that they don't like the "unelected westminster" having a say in how Scotland is run etc.... yet when it comes to the EU they want to remain? with bigger unelected fools in charge???.....very odd thinking tbh but each to their own.






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totally different kettle of fish mate.


they dont ruin our day to day lives like westmonster does and half of yous wanted to come with us remember.



LMFAO, if thats the way you see it then fair play...not going to argue, just a little surprised is all. I feel about the EU the same way you do about westmonster so can only hope it goes my way....if not i'll no doubt call it fixed as you probably did over the indi vote. lol

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na i didnt mate, loads of others did right enough.


its a double edged sword for us really as (i think) most scots will vote to remain and most of England will vote to leave, drag us out, que indy ref 2 or even UDI by default, either way its bye bye Uk (all just a theory mind )


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I will be voting and it's a resounding out for me. The last straw was Osborne's last remark regarding house prices. He "They will be hit" NOT "They will go down" . There's a huge difference , he wanted you to believe the figures meant they will go down which is utter bullocks .What he meant was, they won't go up as much, why were they suddenly all going to go up ??. Now don't get me wrong, bar London and the sleepy cotswolds properties aside, who's properties has actually gone up recently ?. Mines not budged in 10 years, it's pure scaremongering and embarrassing scaremongering at that. And now were on about holidays going up , tbh that qwont affect me , I cant afookin ford to go on hols !!!.



Lets take the 300 million we give to the EU every week to the bail out the countries who are falling apart (plus 5 more shitholes are soon to join) and spend it on our own hospitals, schools, housing and shut the fookin gates to every tom dick and pole who want a free meal

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We , on the whole are a wealthy nation, do you think after decades of trade lesser countries will suddenly decide not to trade ?. The vast majority of countries in the EU are on their arses. I'm pretty dam sure they'll miss our £300 million a week as opposed to us missing their ..................



errrrr, absolutely nothing.


These vast amounts of money given to us to improve area's say like Liverpool were given throughout the 90's was our own money. Nowadays less and less is coming back while we prop up dead end countries plus I want our borders back no more in.



It's the fear factor of "what if", don't go in there, it's the bogeyman

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I think immigration is a huge part of how people will vote, being in the EU hasn't stopped all the immigration concerns but will things be any different if we leave ? , if people want to come to the UK and work for a living they must able to afford to pay their way without abusing our benefit system and should be welcomed... good luck to em...having said my bit "I'm Out", last nights

proggy on Ch5 was a perfect example...a Romanian arriving with wife and 5 kids.no job, no house, no nothing.. disgraceful man but he got what he wanted and more off us mugs.

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i think if the uk left theyd have to be very very careful about any change in immigration rules.

history has shown that other countries tend to tread you as you treat them so what about the brittish immigrants(or xpats as we call them to make us feel better about it) abroad claiming benefits of some sort, if we booted out the ones here and other countires followed suit we'd be in the exact same conunbrum..... still all in theory mind but im sure its a can of worms we'd be better off not opening.

it might help in the short term with the hordes of "romanians" and the like we always here about but if germany, spain, holland ,finland ect ect follow our example then its the brits that will lose out.


its all very dangerous as far as i can see it and why we are having a referendum in the first place when the current gov want to stay is purely a diversionary tactic to shaft us while we're all looking the other way imho.

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I always try to vote (people died to give me that right)


On this one its out for me; I remember before the EU; I remember VAT been introduced to pay for it etc.


So although I am not anti Europe I believe we are not 1 state and should govern our own destiny's..


But just my take on it



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Totally out for me. It's not even a choice between voting for the unknown of an exist or the status quo, it's voting for the continued creation of an ever large federal state which will need more and more funding.


The desperation seems to be showing in the ever more absurd scare tactics which are being used.

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Vote out and let's have our country back then if we fook it up we only have ourselves to blame not some bunch of wankers working 4 days a month in the EU parliament building, let's spend our money on our people. Why the fook would you want to send over 300 million a week to the EU then jump up and down when they give us a tiny proportion back ?. Global migration is on the rise through wars and religion and border disputes so as a nation we should stand up and shut the gates to a free ride. I don't see many people from the UK hitching a lift to Poland and Romania to visit their health service and schools unless their paying for it in a private clinic.



I will not be scared into voting TO stay in the EU by this gov, and I personally think it's backfiring.

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I can see what Cameron is upto......there was no need for a referendum but he's done it then come out with all this scaremongering to make us vote the way he/they really want us to so then when we are out they can do all they want and blame it on us being out of the EU and that it was our own fault for voting out.


They are to sneaky to be underestimated!

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Im voting and mostly vote in GE's and locals. It's in for me because im an easily led sheep who wants to see the creation of a German led super state where no one votes for anybody and power corrupts....A bit like the UK before the EU ever existed. Well that's what people think of us remainers no matter what examples of "good things" that we list to do with the EU.


My only other sarcastic point is this - "Take our country back" unless you are royalty or nobility or at the very least in the top 5% elite of this or indeed ANY country when has it ever been "our country" as in where we actually get a say in day to day stuff that REALLY matters....The old saying was always "if voting made a difference then they would ban it".....yes we do get to vote in the GE every X amount of years but in general we are just voting to see who is going to stuff us in the most imaginative ways.

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