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UFC 196 Tonight 05/03


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Main fight will probably be about 4:30-5AM mate so good luck. I didn't get up till late and have nothing to do tomoz so i'll be watching it, my 13 year old daughter sometimes sets her alarm for 4am and comes to watch, she loves it. lol

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I honestly can't wait for this. Love or hate Mcgregor you've got to take your hat off to him for climbing to welterweight to make the fight happen, the last thing they needed was to lose another main event. Although it wouldn't have meant cancelling 196 like last time , there would have been a lot of pissed off fans.

I'm going to bed soon and will get up at about 4.00 am and watch both main events. I'll also record the whole thing and watch the other fights later.

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What a night, Miesha Tate was pretty awesome that final round you just knew a takedown would finish Holm. Job well done, look forward to seeing Rousey return now.

Mcgregor, i think his arrogance got the better of him there. Just thought he could walk through Diaz's punches and never gave a thought to defence and was getting hammered in the second. Just shows in both fights the dangers that strikers face when they mix it with fighters than can strike and wrestle. I'm betting this won't derail Mcgregor too much though, he's still a champion and climbing 2 weight classes was too much for him. That's what makes MMA so exciting, fook your boxing, this is what makes UFC worth staying up for :)

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He certainly bit off more than he could chew with Diaz


He was doing very well too, but maybe realised he was pretty durable and went for the kill and couldn't


Could see him searching for that left hand all the time, he really relies on that.


Fair play to mcgregor for stepping up the divisions, some fighters are scared of their win and loss.

One more loss for mcgrgor and the hype train may come off the rails.

He should pick his next fight wisely


Glad Tate won, she is a grafter, tough and durable.

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