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Standing on forks of forklift


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You would be correct in you thinking that it is not allowed lol. Here is the HSE government advice on using forklifts. HSE is the law and they can and very often DO prosecute firms and people for breaking H & S rules. So it is not just the person who may be ordering another to stand on the forks who may get in trouble but the person actually standing on the forks could also get in trouble and cop a fine ect too.

Forklift HSE guidance

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Yea just as I thought, my step son is 16 been ordered to stand on forks etc by his boss, been going on for weeks he knew no better and I only found out when I went to pick him up from work, and there he was on the forks in the air, some choice words said to his boss etc and the boss was like we'll if he don't do it he can't have his job anymore etc etc

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When I was younger they used to use a pallet to lift you up,I don't even think that's legal these days.

But yer even back then standing on forks was a no go.


Yes agreed, I have seen this in the past but don't strictly think it's legal and besides was only done on rare occasions.


I'm not a H&S freak or part of the PC brigade but this wants filimg and reporting. He will kill someone one day, it's just not a safe practice for day to day operations

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Anyone who needs to be raised should be lifted in a cage with a harness as well, by a person who has passed an extra part of the fork lift truck test, which proves their competence in fitting the cage to the forks as well as lifting it safely. Plus if the truck has to be moved the cage should be lowered and the person aboard gets out of the cage before the truck is moved to the new position

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Thanks guys, have given the info to my lad who has plonked it all on his boss desk, and told him he will not be doing it again, my lad must have his head screwed on a bit as he also went and took a copy of the cctv footage showing what went on etc

Surely he's doing his boss a favour anyway because of anything did happen to him he could sue the socks off him.

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There are laws in this country the main one being the health and safety at work act the associated regulations.


There is a law making his employer risk assess the work activity. I'm sure he could get shut down if they caught him working like that.

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I think H&S is OTT, standing on forks is dangerous and agree that boss wants a rollicking but my son who works at a school was warned about standing on a chair reaching up to a shelf !...Then there's the concusion ruling thats slowly getting way out of hand playing tick rugby ??.


It won't be long before standing on your feet will be deemd unsafe incase you fall over

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Not wanting to cross threads or nought but them there laws are EU laws that we'll all be saying tatty boggles to in the near future if half of yous get your way.


Just sayin likesy. ;)


sent from my phone





You should join Cameron on his doom and gloom campaigns......As mentioned its a UK thing not an EU one and health and safety at work wont end simply because we are no longer in the EU ffs, same with all the other scare mongering BS the IN campaign come out with.

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