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I don't know anyone.

My partner is head of HR with hundreds of employees. So far she has a few self isolating. One who's kid has special needs and her kid goes to the same school as another kid from a family who caught it after going to Italy. The rest are claiming to have been at risk from either holidays or just taking the piss as an excuse to take time off. There's nothing the company can do about it though.

For the last few weeks this virus has taken up most of her time with policy meetings, risk assessments and so on.

My opinions change on this on a daily basis but for now it seems wise to tell vulnerable people to self isolate and everyone else to carry on as normal for now. 

I live just outside of a small town and work in the town, today is the first day i've seen people wearing masks, we have no reported cases so far. People are just crazy, i wonder if they intend to walk around in those masks all summer and into 2021.

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there is a terrible amount of nonsense on facebook and the likes about this. people refusing to believe its happening, conspiracy theories etc

no need to panic but follow the advice given on the nhs or govs sites is all thats needed.

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I have a friend in Spain, where they are about two weeks ahead of us, and in total lock down.  

Supermarkets have stock, and there is no more panic buying. He did say that beer and wine are still hard to get hold of. 

He also said that the B&Q type stores were still delivering, so you could do DIY at home. 



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Hi singer, do you still work for the NHS? 

I'm assuming you probably still do. I wish you and your family all the best through this crisis.

The entire NHS are doing an amazing job in the most horrendous situation imaginable. The whole country is grateful that you are there.

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Just had this posted on a local group. 


Just driven into work this morning. Shocked by the number of cars, vans and lorries on the roads. What do people not understand about NON essential travel???? Stay at home please!!!!!! I have been an eye surgeon for 30 years and never thought I’d need my non eye medical skills again but am now facing a refresher training on respiratory medicine and being drafted into the front line. If you don’t want to be treated by someone like me (I wouldn’t) then stay at home!!!



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Ffs fon, my attention was drawn to the highlighted part of the post. I thought you were talking as yourself. I nearly threw my car keys in the bin when i thought you might be treating me. The roads are way busier today though although the industrial estate where i work is very quiet.With the new 6 month exemption on MOT's it might be another reason to stay off the road.

I'm at work, car repairer who can't work from home but a sole trader and isolated from people i still have work to do for now.

The garage next door to me have shut up shop, just spoke to him and he thinks it will all be over in a fortnight then the country will boom, there are some pretty naive people out there with no idea what we're facing. This guy and his partner have only just took over the place having worked there as mechanics for years and have no business experience. They'll regret closing so early and turning the work down that was booked in. He'll soon be getting a baptism of fire in how to run a business during a recession.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, HackmanSlim said:

Vidya games

I'm still working for now but i think i'll be blowing the dust off the PS4. Trouble is i'm absolutely crap at every game i play. I just don't have the attention span to stick to one game and actually learn how to play it. Streaming a lot more tv shows at the minute but that loses it's appeal when the warmer weather gets here.

My missus keeps talking about using the time to do gardening and decorating but i struggle to find an ounce of motivation to do that. The house doesn't really need decorating and the garden is tidy and looks alright as it is. Women just feel the need to change things just for the sake of it.

I might just catch the virus and write to Alan Titmarsh with some sob story or other and see if he'll come and do the garden for me. Perhaps write to Nick Knowles and get some decorating done. I think that i've been watching too many DIY TV shows though. 

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I've grabbed golf club 2 and tomb raider to whittle away the hours. 

My gym set a30 day challenge of light exercise they email me a video every day and a went a walk the last 2 days. Not been near anyone else in ages. Phone never stops buzzing ringing plinking and plonking with every social media app known to man gong constantly.

Got furloughed from work, work is making up the other 20% of my average so not bad for the mo.


I fear this will last for a very long time. Longer than expected. 

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7 hours ago, daz2905 said:

Hi all, hope you're all well and keeping safe.What you doing to cope with the boredom?

Still in work and cant see it changing anytime soon.I havent got time to scratch my own head!!

I work at a cereal manufacturing plant and sales have rocketed, like you woulnt believe. We cant get it out of the door quick enough.


i have friends in the Canaries and there have been reports of people being pulled over by the Guardia and they have asked for their till receipt, from shopping. They have a look and if there is no essential items on it, they have hit em with a fine.

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I had the biggest of plans. Kids would wake up, still put on their school uniform, (so that we could distinguish when school started and finished. We would teach them, with all the breaks they have at school etc. 

The whole thing has turned into a shower of shit. Although me and Mrs Fon are both semi working from home, we wake up late, and by the time we have had breakfast and gone for a walk, its lunchtime. Then after lunch there is some clearing up, and playing in the garden. Were lucky if we do an hour of school work with the kids. 

However, in school, they tend to make them spell something and then colour or paint it etc. So I dont think its all that bad. As long as we keep the reading / writing and maths going I think were doing ok. 

We have spent a small fortune on garden toys, (swings slides etc) as I doubt very much there will be a holiday this year. We have also started getting in touch with other parents and letting the kids video chat. This, I learnt very quickly, is important! I thought they would have a 10 min chat and then get bored. One and half hours later, of playing, laughing, and having fun you realize they miss their mates. I think as adults we take the fact we can still communicate too lightly. Both my kids are under 9. 

I now know of a few people who have had this virus. The numbers are growing daily. 

Stay safe friends. 



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