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Do your razor blades loose their flavour on the bed post overnight?


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I have quite tough facial hair and I use those blades that cost stupid pounds each cos bics don' do it for me.

Sticking a new blade on every fortnight can become costly when you'e on a limited budget.

One day it dawned on me that it' not my stubble that' the main cause of premature bluntness,it's the soapy residue that remains on the blades after use,even after a good rinse. 

For the past few months I've been giving the blade a splash of Flash Bathroom before and after shaving.

It' cheap and does a great job of keeping the blades clear of the stuff that dulls them so quickly.

My blades are lasting much longer for it.


Maybe of use to some of you?


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Not having a go, i'm just pointing out that the majority of people have the inability to spell lose and for whatever reason when online they spell loose instead....which is the opposite to tight. :P 

Quite funny in online gaming when you get called a looser. :D


Like ktv though i gave up with shaving with proper blades and use a philishave thing now, far easier and no fooking about with blades.

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As mentioned, it's the residue that clogs the blades, jeans are ok, but the most effective way is a squirt of shaving cream on a rubbery surface (like an old mobile phone cover), and swipe down about 5 times, then rinse out under the tap.

Failing that, for a more permanent solution, try laser hair removal. It'll likely scar the $hit out of your face, but long term you'll save a bundle on blades and shaving time.

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4 minutes ago, tuff_enuff_toft said:


Failing that, for a more permanent solution, try laser hair removal. It'll likely scar the $hit out of your face, but long term you'll save a bundle on blades and shaving time.

xDxD ffs just grow a beard

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