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You know your getting old when..?


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When all your favourite TV personalities you grew up with are dying off, & your favourite tune youd dance your arse off to at the club is on some oldy CD collection.. or worse still in a charity shop :(

I also fired up my old CB radio from the 80's. Messed about with it for ages trying to fix the thing only to find it wasnt faulty & that it was simply no other fooker was on it anymore !

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Well i,m in my early 40,s but i defo felt old when my niece said that a device we were talking about - cant remember what it was as it was a couple of years ago but whatever it was my neice said thats like something from the 90,s...jeez


Also the 18 to 30 clubs which have now been extended is still past my sell by date....oucchh


Havn't been in a nightclub in a few years now but i think i know the answer from the bouncer...sorry regulars only...in other words piss off you old fart...

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i was at a gig rave type thing a few months ago, i was oustide having a wee puff and some french studenty types stats talking to me and my mates when one pipes up


"its really good that people your age still come to things like this"


the 3 of us just gave him the worst look possible and sent him into a back peddling frenzy with him claiming he meant that in france the different age groups rarely mingle or go to the same events.


we all just burst out laughing but the damage had been done






MK you wouldnt want to go into a nightclub these days tbh, theyre either full of kids or if its people your own age it tends to just be cattle market with the worlds worst music.

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Well i,m in my early 40,s but i defo felt old when my niece said that a device we were talking about - cant remember what it was as it was a couple of years ago but whatever it was my neice said thats like something from the 90,s...jeez


Also the 18 to 30 clubs which have now been extended is still past my sell by date....oucchh


Havn't been in a nightclub in a few years now but i think i know the answer from the bouncer...sorry regulars only...in other words piss off you old fart...


There's a place for people your generation........it's Tinder :D

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