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Anyone made anything?


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Anyone else into making stuff?

Here's a few things I've coded and built.


Digital light wand with LCD display, and SD for storing images. (for drawing images in the air using a camera on long exposure)

Remote boiler control (via sms) using mega2560 and a GSM shield + LCD display.

Internet connected Geiger counter (esp8266 based) with i2c oled, and temp / barometer.

Webasto diesel heater controller.

POV light staff using ESP8266 and APA102 RGB led strip (spin it in the air and it draws graphics etc)

Button bashing game. (with sound and scoring)

Nerf shooting gallery. (with sound and scoring and automatic target reset with servos and opto sensors)



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I'd love to see some photos of bot LED displays they sound interesting, might inspire me to make a few. :)


I think you meant BOTH?

video of the digital light wand, doesn't look much except a piece of wood with some LED's.




One of the photo's I created with it..


Donkey Kong


The esp POV version I recently built a couple of weeks back.

Has 140 led's (70 each side)




I don't have a video of it in operation but here's a similar one so you get the idea.



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Thank's for the shares, can see me making a light wand for my daughter but then again i might do it for my 18 year lad. Get him outside some local shops doing advertisements with it earn him a few quid.


Knowing him though he'd probably knock some poor bugger out with it. And Neo another good use for the py loving it.

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This is my next project!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I've also seen someone use pixel nodes for that (ws2811) same as what I'm using for my xmas stuff I'm building...

That's a whole different story tho. Still got shitloads to make for it yet, but here's an early demo, lipsync is slightly out on this video. I've since fixed it.





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  • 3 years later...

Sorry to resurrect this old thread but just posted this under Raspberry Pi but just as relevant here:

Been looking at some of the terrific Xmas light displays on the net and fancy having a go at this. So need to buy sufficient individually addressible LED strings ( recommendations on what or what not to but ) and already have a Rapberry Pi3B so has anyone here anyone done any of this or have any recommendations or  links for idiot proof anim software for the Pi or Arduino board to create an aninamtion of lighting displaty sequence ?.


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